Friday 26 March 2021

Catch the dragons tall

Thursday25th marchtoday we played a game firt miss told us what game we were going to play but firt miss Adinatold us the rules and then she told us that we are going to vote we all voted for the secon one was play with the boy and girl dragcon andthen we lined up and went to the field and we all the boys went with the boy dragcon and all the girls went in the girl dragcon and then we startedthe boys won the firtround and then and then we started a new round and the winner was the girlsand then it was the finall round and the winner was the boys!then we went to class and talked about what we did and we started to writing i felt happy.

camp buddies

Friday 19 March 2021

Four corners

Thursday 18th march todaywe played a game there were four groups the four groups were goose duck and chiken and tercky miss Adina put Johns blied fod onthen he had to look for he had to call a group but the fist round was a prackdice then we got on to the rell round John called a group and that group had to sit down on there chairs because miss Adina told. Them to and the onesthat were still in the game had to sit on the mat then the game was over but miss Adina said if we whated to play aother round the winer was Elijahthe game was overthen we started to writing.

sentence structure/sequencing
